
6 Solution to Get Rid of Bad Breath Forever

Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by lingering food particles and the bacterial waste they produce that smells like sulfur. It is often a sign of an underlying health issue.

Fortunately, there are some simple home remedies that can help. These include drinking lots of water, eating foods high in probiotics and parsley, chewing cardamom seeds and avoiding sugary foods and beverages. Visit for top-notch dental composites recommended to eliminate bad breath and enhance your oral health effectively.

1. Floss Daily

Many people know that flossing is important, but few do it regularly. Flossing removes food particles from between teeth and along the gum line, which helps to prevent plaque that causes tooth decay and bad breath.

It also stimulates the gums and boosts circulation, which can lead to healthy gums and strong teeth. People who begin flossing regularly often notice fresher breath within a week.

To floss properly, grab a piece of dental floss about 18 inches long and wind most of it around the middle finger of one hand. With the other hand, pull a section of floss between each tooth and along the gum line.

2. Brush Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes is essential to oral hygiene. It wards off halitosis, or bad breath. When leftover food particles aren’t dislodged by brushing, anaerobic bacteria in the mouth produce volatile sulfur compounds that cause foul breath. Brushing also removes plaque, a sticky film that if left untreated can lead to tooth and gum disease, which can require expensive dental treatments.

Remember to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth, too. Bacteria can accumulate here as well, contributing to halitosis. A gentle brushing with a fluoride toothpaste will clear away this bacteria.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Everyone has bad breath from time to time, especially after eating garlic or onions. But when this unpleasant odor doesn’t go away, it may be a sign of a more serious health issue.

Drinking plenty of water keeps the mouth moist and helps remove food particles that cause a foul smell. Avoid consuming caffeinated drinks, alcohol and spicy foods as these can dry out the mouth. If you have a condition called xerostomia (dry mouth), your doctor or dentist can prescribe an artificial saliva preparation or a medicine that raises the flow of saliva. Also, a tongue scraper can help keep the mouth clean and fresh.

4. Use a Tongue Scraper

Using a tongue scraper regularly removes bacteria and food particles from the papillae (those little bumps on your tongue that send taste signals to the brain) that can cause bad breath. In addition, regular tongue scraping can improve your ability to savor and enjoy flavors when eating because your taste buds aren’t covered in residue.

There are various types of tongue scrapers on the market, shaped like a horseshoe and made out of stainless steel or copper (which has antibacterial properties). To use a tongue scraper, stick your tongue out and hold it as far back on the tongue as you can without triggering your gag reflex, then slowly run the tongue scraper forward.

5. Rebalance Your Intestinal Flora

Chronic bad breath (also called halitosis) can be frustrating and embarrassing, but it’s also treatable. Changing your diet and oral hygiene habits can help you banish stinky breath forever.

Saliva is a natural mouth cleanser that removes particles that cause odors. But a condition called dry mouth, or xerostomia, can contribute to bad breath by reducing saliva production. Certain medications can also cause dry mouth, including antihistamines and diuretics.

Eating high-fiber foods like barley and brown rice, or a serving of unripe bananas, can encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which can fight off bad bacteria that can cause stinky breath.

6. See Your Dentist

If your bad breath, or halitosis, doesn’t go away with improved oral hygiene habits and home remedies, see your dentist. They can figure out the underlying cause and help you resolve it, which is much better than simply masking the problem with mints, gum, or mouthwash.

Talk to your dentist about the foods you eat and the medications you take, as these may contribute to halitosis. They can also recommend certain foods that help freshen your breath and ways to keep your mouth moist, including chewing sugar-free gum or suck on candy to stimulate saliva flow.

If you have chronic halitosis, your dentist can refer you to your family doctor or a specialist for a diagnosis. They can then prescribe an odor-reducing medication or work with you to improve your overall health.

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