If you’re considering becoming a lawyer you’re probably wondering how long it’ll take to get a law degree. Although we know you’re hoping to hear one specific number of years it’s really not that simple. The amount of time it takes to get a law degree depends on the path in law you decide to take.

Bachelors Degree – 4 Years (on average)

Although the amount of time required to get a law degree will vary depending on your desired specialization, one thing will remain equal: you’ll need to start by getting a bachelors degree.

Which Bachelors Degree Do You Need for Law School?

Most law schools don’t have a require you to major in any specific subject when you get a bachelor’s degree. You can get any bachelor’s degree if you’d like to go to law school.

Now, even though you can choose any major you’d like it’s important you keep in mind that there are specific subjects that will prepare you for law school. Some of those majors include: criminal justice, political science, history to name a few.

When you go for your bachelors you should expect it to take anywhere from 4 to 5 years. Although, there are certain colleges that will allow you complete a bachelors in less time.

Accelerated Bachelors Degree

If you find a college that’ll allow you to finish in a shorter amount of time be sure you check to see if the college is accredited. If you get a degree from an unaccredited university you’ll waste not only time but money.

The fastest you can earn a bachelors is between two and three years. That’s usually not the case. You should expect to finish in four years if you attend full time.

After the Bachelors – LSAT – 1 Year

After you get your bachelors degree you’ll have to take the LSAT test to get accepted into a law program. This can take a year since you have to prepare for the exam, sign up for available test dates and ultimately pass the test.

If you’d like to get ahead you may want to study for the LSAT while you’re doing your undergrad. That may be tough depending on your major and how well you did in your first three years of undergrad but it can definitely be done.

Law School – 3 Years

The last part of getting a law degree is to go through Law School. Usually a law school program will take three years.

Something you’ll want to keep in mind is that most law students are required to finish the law program in three years. You may be able to get an extension if you need it, but that’s usually not possible.

How Many Years is Law School

Once you consider all of the steps listed above, the shortest amount of time it’ll take to complete is 6 years. That would be with an accelerated Bachelors degree that took 3 years, studying for the LSAT in that time and taking it right after, and finally going through 3 years of law school. Although, that would be a very strenuous path.

On average, it should take 7 years from start to finish. That would be a four year bachelors, 3 years in law school and the LSAT in between with not breaks.

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